Values Part 2
Jan 22, 2025
Values Part 1
Jan 15, 2025
Uprise Podcast
It Is Finished Pt 1
Dec 11, 2024
Student Led Service
Dec 4, 2024
Thank You Come Again Part 2
Thank You Come Again Part 1 :
Nov 6, 2024
Victory Through Christ
Oct 23, 2024
The Last Days
Oct 30, 2024 • Cesar Lopez
Being bold in our culture
Oct 16, 2024
Anxiety to Peace
Oct 9, 2024
Tunnel Vision: Part 4 Heart of Identity
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"Awake, O sleeper, rise up from the dead, and Christ will give you light."
Ephesians 5:14
The name Uprise Yth was directly inspired by Ephesians 5:14, where the Apostle Paul fought to remind and encourage the local church with the light of Christ. Our heart is to do the same for all 7th-12th graders, reminding them that through Christ we are raised from death to life.
We do this by helping each person Know God personally, Find Freedom from sin, Discover their God given Purpose, and Make A Difference by sharing the love of Christ.
Ephesians 5:14
The name Uprise Yth was directly inspired by Ephesians 5:14, where the Apostle Paul fought to remind and encourage the local church with the light of Christ. Our heart is to do the same for all 7th-12th graders, reminding them that through Christ we are raised from death to life.
We do this by helping each person Know God personally, Find Freedom from sin, Discover their God given Purpose, and Make A Difference by sharing the love of Christ.
You can expect Uprise Yth to meet weekly from 6:45pm - 8:45pm. We start our services with Youth Hangout time to encourage community, play games to celebrate the joy of the Lord, then encounter Jesus through Worship and the Word. If you are wanting to visit for the first time, come check-in at the guest table so we can get you our free gift as a thank you for checking us out!
Safety is extremely important to us. Our volunteers are background-checked and trained to create a safe, secure environment for every student.
Safety is extremely important to us. Our volunteers are background-checked and trained to create a safe, secure environment for every student.
We believe every student should know that they matter and that they belong. That's why we do our very best to meet every student where they are and help them take their next step with God. Whether that's through small group discussions or just hanging out, having friends & adult leaders in your life can help you experience the full life God has given you.

It's our mission to help students live in freedom. By helping students see the lies of the enemy and introducing the new life Christ has for them, they can experience the true freedom found in a personal relationship with Jesus.
It's possible to be saved and not walk in your God given Purpose. There's plenty of reasons for it; feeling inadequate, fear of failure, sin in your life, peer pressure, lack of support, etc. Whatever the reason, we want to help each student seize the new life that's available to them & remind them of the support they have in Uprise Yth.


We meet every Wednesday, from 6:45PM - 8:30PM in the City Kids Auditorium at the church. Student drop-off and pick-up is at the Hope Lobby entrance, don't worry you'll see the signs or... hear the noise lol. We understand it can be a bit intimidating on your first visit, but we truly can't wait to meet you and WELCOME YOU HOME.
A regular night can be summed up this way: hangout, play games,
engage in worship & hear a message.
A regular night can be summed up this way: hangout, play games,
engage in worship & hear a message.

Family Matters Nights, is defined by its name. If UPRISE YTH is to be a FAMILY we must make it MATTER. Meaning we prioritize small groups, we sit down about once a month and talk about life, what we've been learning, and what we want to learn more about. This is where we get to be very intentional about discipleship!
Currently we have a guy & girl groups for mid & high school students.
Currently we have a guy & girl groups for mid & high school students.

Once a quarter Uprise Yth will host a Wednesday Night Service like none other. This is a night built around one thing... INVITING FRIENDS. At UPRISE YTH we want to see the lost, saved. So we host nights with lots of fun to get kids in the door, and then we give them Jesus! So keep a look out for these, because you and your friends won't want to miss it!
Follow us on IG for details on upcoming events and be sure to sign up for TEXT-IN CHURCH down below to never miss an update!
Follow us on IG for details on upcoming events and be sure to sign up for TEXT-IN CHURCH down below to never miss an update!

Cesar & Jennifer Lopez
Youth Pastor
Clopez@citypointchurch.com & Jlopez@citypointchurch.com
Youth Pastor
Clopez@citypointchurch.com & Jlopez@citypointchurch.com